Category: Senior School
Hits: 7290

English Language Arts

In the Grade 10 English Language Arts course students will: · read a variety of texts (spoken, written and media) with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding of the text; · produce a variety of quality texts (spoken, written, media) keeping in mind the context, purpose, meaning and target audience; · and review and implement correct usage of rhetorical strategies, sentence structures and punctuation when writing or creating different kinds of texts )spoken, written and media).

Mathematics – Cultural, Social and Technical Option

This course is taught stressing the relevance of mathematics to the world outside the classroom and the solution of real world problems. Learning is centered on the fundamental aims of mathematical activity: interpreting reality, generalizing, predicting and making decisions. The aim of this course is to develop the two mathematical competencies and problem based applications of knowledge.

Mathematics - SN

The Grade 10 Mathematics course involves teacher instruction and demonstration, student participation, group work, individual study and practice and formal testing. The curriculum follows the textbook, Vision 10, which offers a series of exercises and contextual problems that help students integrate and apply mathematical reasoning. Part of the curriculum involves students solving situational problems which allow students to apply mathematical concepts in daily life situations. Topics covered include: functions, equations and inequalities, relations and functions, solids, area and volume, isometry and similitude of triangles, analytic geometry, trigonometry and correlation.


Students are encouraged to express their musical tastes, preferences and goals to aid in the selection of music and instruments. Through group performance, students utilize various sound sources and compositional procedures, using elements of technique and theory, while gaining insight into the music’s history, role in culture, mechanics of performing and recording as well as the effect of their performance on the other performers and on the audience. Playing together is where the tire meets the road – theory and practice united.

Science – Environmental Science and Technology (EST)

The Environmental Science and Technology program creates a single discipline by integrating different scientific fields (physics, ecology, astronomy, geology) and various technological fields (e.g. mechanical design, medical, food and mining technology) studied in the context of cultural reference. Students will be guided through this advanced program to prepare them for advance science next year. This course is taken in conjunction with the Science and Technology ministry exam course.


Media as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a medium of cultivation or expression. In Media studies we will be looking at two specific areas of media: Light-based media and time-based media. Light-based will focus on photography. Creating balanced compositions in a photo without the use of digital software. Time-based media will focus on different techniques of editing with and without software.


Dans le cours, les élèves utiliseront la langue française pour tous les types de communication, soit orale ou écrite.

French Second Language

Dans le cours de Français langue seconde, les élèves utiliseront la langue française pour tous les types de communication. Le programme visera à développer des notions de base et avancées de la langue française. Au courant de l’année scolaire, on évalue les trois compétences soit :

L’interaction en français, les élèves interagissent en français durant leurs présentations orales individuelles et/ou de groupe. Produire des textes variés incluant la grammaire et l'orthographe, les difficultés de la langue écrite, l'analyse et la rédaction de textes sont également évalués durant l’année scolaire. Lire des textes variés en français est nécessaire pour l’évaluation de l’élève. Il doit lire, comprendre et analyser des différents types de texte.


This course is similar to the course in Grade 10; for both courses look at the history of Québec and Canada. However, students will examine the history of Québec and Canada thematically through five such themes. These themes include population and settlement, economy and development, culture, power and society territory.

Physical Education

Throughout the course students will understand demonstrated athletic techniques, improving individual athletic abilities, as well gain knowledge to participate in varied athletic games.

Mastery of the following activities; Soccer, Lacrosse and Athletics.
As well as Health related components such as Kinesthetic Feedback (Agonist and stabilizing muscles, body’s response to exercise).
The program will aim to develop the 3 PE competencies.

Science and Technology

The course covers four main disciplines in the area of Science: Material World, Ecology, Biology and Technology. These topics are taught through a variety of situations with the focus being on preparations for the ministry in June. Students are offered a variety of opportunities to practice and develop their knowledge in this course.